Goal Digger Podcast - Jenna Kutcher


Small town Minnesota mama recording this show in my closet. After (almost) a decade as an entrepreneur, I'm showing up as the virtual biz coach I wish I had when I was starting out. 


the latest episode:

461: A Deep-Dive into ADHD for Women Entrepreneurs

I felt like my world cracked open after this conversation. Tracy Otsuka became an expert in ADHD when both she and her son received a diagnosis. She committed to learning everything she could about what ADHD actually looks like in the real world. Now, with her podcast and master class, Tracy leads brilliant, driven, high-ability ADHD women to see their symptoms as a strength.

Research shows that people with ADHD are more likely to become, and might even make better entrepreneurs. I am so excited to learn more about this area, and I know Tracy is ready to share strategies and advice for leveraging ADHD as a positive in your entrepreneurial journey. 

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GOAL DIGGER INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/goaldiggerpodcast/

GOAL DIGGER SHOWNOTES: jennakutcherblog.com/tracyotsuka


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welcome to the

Goal Digger Podcast

 The live-workshop style business podcast that is helping thousands redefine success and chase bold dreams. You can train with the experts on how to dig in, do the work, and tackle your biggest goals along the way. 

recent episode show notes

the latest

Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher Sometimes life makes us an expert in things we never expected. For Tracy Otsuka, it all began with her son’s ADHD diagnosis at 12 years old. When the psychologist advised Tracy to reduce her son’s expectations for his life, she fired the psychologist!  8 months later, Tracy herself was […]

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Let’s talk about how to strategically take time off in a way that preserves your wellbeing AND your business—and just as major—why it’s important and what it can mean for you and your business.

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We’re talking about how proximity is power, the different stages of our businesses that led us to our greatest growth, what a mastermind is and how it’s benefitted us, how to discern what type of investment is right for what you’re needing, and so much more.

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Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher Sometimes life makes us an expert in things we never expected. For Tracy Otsuka, it all began with her son’s ADHD diagnosis at 12 years old. When the psychologist advised Tracy to reduce her son’s expectations for his life, she fired the psychologist!  8 months later, Tracy herself was […]

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Let’s talk about how to strategically take time off in a way that preserves your wellbeing AND your business—and just as major—why it’s important and what it can mean for you and your business.

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We’re talking about how proximity is power, the different stages of our businesses that led us to our greatest growth, what a mastermind is and how it’s benefitted us, how to discern what type of investment is right for what you’re needing, and so much more.

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Hilary is a coach, not a fancy coach she says, but a coach who helps people show up as their authentic selves to sell out their offers and programs. I’ve known Hilary for years but got close with her work after she walked through a course that I was also taking, and it’s been a real treat seeing how her business and life has transitioned in the last few years.

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Want to raise your rates? Wait just a sec… When was the last time you reviewed the customer experience you deliver?

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The parties, the free clothes, the access and invites to parties and events. Who wouldn’t find happiness in the lux life of an editor in chief of a fashion magazine?

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Featured in

Forbes, Marie Claire, USAToday, Good Morning America 

50+ Million




Number 1 

marketing Podcast



Hi, I’m Jenna Kutcher. 

Small town Minnesota girl with big dreams! Think I have a fancy studio? Nope, I record this chart-topping show in a closet — and not like a fancy closet, a closet that’s filled with boxes from our move that happened over a year ago! 

At the core of my being, I am obsessed with business, marketing keeps me up at night, and I'm a numbers gal. I am also crazy about my baby girl, I wish I could get paid to snuggle my unruly rescue pups, I really enjoy macaroni and cheese, and I run my biz from wherever I happen to be in the world.

Want more? Check out my Cosmo-style quiz!

With 400+ episodes, we continue to pave the way with actionable episodes, inspiring interviews with trailblazers like you, and mini-bootcamps to help you see results in your own life and business.

Our show gets 1.5 million downloads every month and it's insane to know that my closet is a portal out to the world and into your ear buds. Consider me your virtual biz coach! 

I've run a business for 9 years — almost a decade — and every single year we've increased revenue. You might have heard the story but I'm the girl who turned the $300 Craigslist camera in a multi-million dollar business. 

I've been featured in cool places like: Forbes, People Magazine, Huffington Post, and you can find my show hanging at the top of the iTunes charts each week. 

The Deets

oh Yeah, we're doing this vintage Cosmo Girl-style

The JK Quiz Results are in!

1. If you could eat one food for the rest of your life it would be:


a. Wedding Photographer 
b. Girl Boss
c. Motivational Speaker
d. Professional Napper 
e. Other 

3. Most likely to binge watch:

a. The Voice
b. Pretty Little Liars
c. House Hunters
d. The Bachelor

4. If you could meet one person dead or alive, it would be:

5. My drink of choice is:

a. Dirty Martini
b. Old Fashioned
c. Margarita
d. Corona



a. Yoga pants and a tank
b. Jeans and a tee
c. A dress & heels
d. Anything from Zara

8. Someday I want to:


a. Public Speaking
b. Heights
c. Spiders
d. Flying


You're an expert with something to teach that the show hasn't seen yet!

You have a desire to serve an audience with tangible tips and takeaways.

Your story of entrepreneurship is real and raw vs. perfect and polished.

You're ready to take your message to the masses and make a bigger impact.

Nominate yourself or your favorite Girl Boss

You’re willing to vulnerably share your business mistakes so others can avoid them.

You’re facing a roadblock in your business and want a Goal Digger coaching session with Jenna.

Nominate a Guest

Want to nominate yourself or someone else as a guest on the Goal Digger Podcast? Use the form below. We love a short and sweet pitch that highlights who you are and what topic, strategy, or message you want to share on the show. We’re so honored you want to share your story and expertise with the Goal Digger audience!


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Got it, thanks!

Thank you for taking the time to lift a Girl Boss up! Your message has officially been sent and is in good hands, so no need to submit via email! While we read it and play with our pups and love on the baby, would you like to discover more?? 

Recent Episodes

More about jenna

Find your sauce

Have questions, comments, reviews, ideas, or funny jokes? You can send them to our podcast producer Kylie at   podcast@jennakutcher.com . (If you’re reaching out to be a guest on the show, please use the                                     above!)

nomination form







How to Own Your Awesome, Stand Out from the Crowd, Build a Successful Biz, and Have Fun Doing It!

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Real words from our listeners!

Best podcast for business

Jenna is amazing! Her podcast covers so many subjects and I absolutely love when she dives deep into things that are so insightful that I’ve never considered for my business. Love the way she teaches! Thanks Jenna!!

— abby333

Hidden Gem

I stumbled on this podcast totally by accident. I really love Jenna’s honest outlook on pursuing your dreams and purpose. I am now listening to earlier episodes to find my way through discovering my WHY! This is definitely a hidden gem of a podcast.

— Eskim0000

My go-to podcast!

I may not be a boss lady, as I am a 37-year-old man, but I co-own (with my amazing wife) a business we love and work hard at doing well. This podcast has been one of the single most influential & inspiring Business savvy podcast I have listen to that continues to give me great value and practical steps to doing my job better.

— Yesyesandyes

Lady bosses this podcast is for You!

Jenna Kutcher is the most down to earth, warm hearted BFF that you feel like you’ve know forever! Her authenticity makes her the best at what she does! Women, Entrepreneurs, Moms, And everyone in between should check her our! She is so likable and so relatable that you will screaming “PREACH” when you hear her message. Listen now, your mind and soul will thank you!

— Miss Tex

This is it!

Jenna, thanks for being so real! I found this podcast when I left my job and started building a life I love. Jenna is so motivational and inspirational because she is so honest. Listen to this podcast if you are building or in need of support and inspiration.

— NE2BoysMom

Fabulous podcast for entrepreneurs

Jenna is authentic and wise. I love tuning in to her podcast - I always learn something and get inspired. It’s amazing all that she shares on the podcast for free! Thank you, Jenna, for your excellent content! You all definitely need to listen to her episodes - get ready to be inspired!

— StephersB88

Listen, listen, listen!

Jenna truly has a beautiful soul! She brings to light so many topics that are taboo, and that’s so refreshing. She is a wealth of knowledge in so many aspects of life! This podcast has been so beneficial to me!!!!!

— dayna.monroe

Bright, honest, practical

Jenna shares her brilliance openly, no holds barred. This podcast will surely enhance your personal and career growth. Plus, Jenna’s messages are clear, concise, and packed with practical application.

— Jes_til

So much inspiration & truth!

I love listening to Jenna’s Goal Digger podcast! She speaks so much truth and every episode is pure gold and full of inspiration, not just for your business, but for your life.

— NessaPR

Forever learning from this lady!

I will literally be listening to this podcast forever. Jenna (and her guests) share SO MUCH useful info, advice, and stories. You can listen to the episodes over and over - picking up something new every time. Her encouraging words and motivating attitude are definitely rubbing off of me. Hello money abundance mindset, not feeling limited to my “real job” income, and waking up excited to create a more flexible lifestyle.

Cheers to you lady, thanks for all you do 🙌🏼

— tucchino

Jenna is the mentor/friend/little sis I never knew I needed

Im a full time mom of 3 boys running 3 small businesses. Until I started listening to Jenna, I always saw myself as ‘just a mom with some hobbies’. But listening to The Goal Digger Podcast has inspired me to turn my hobby businesses into actual businesses and make profits from them. Whether it’s help with branding, Instagram, or juggling home and work life, there seems to be an episode for all my pain points.

— Fitdarlings

Tactical and Inspirational

Jenna both inspires and provides tactical advice for business newbies like myself. I wake up excited on days her new episodes drop, knowing I’m going to learn something to move my needle.

— habitswarriorprincess

The best podcast ever.

I listen to so many of these on my long drives and they freakin change my life every time. I always leave every episode with more confidence. A better mindset. More excitement. More ideas. More creativity. This is the freakin best thing ever and it’s changing my new biz every time I listen to it!!

— dojtravels

My personal mentor    


Mahalo Nui! You have been the constant voice in my car, home office and shower!!! The insights, knowledge and ease of learning has been amazing. I’ve been able to grow and build the knowledge and confidence to push my limits and business. Simply the best.

— leianam808

I love this podcast!

Jenna is real! She shares so much great content while letting you know she is a down to earth person. You won’t go wrong subscribing to this podcast.

— SOssowicx


I’ve hesitated to write this review forever because I feel like I don’t have the words to do it justice. This podcast is hands down the best on out there. I learn something new every single time I listen that takes my business and life to the next level. Thank you Jenna for being a true believer in community over competition and sharing your secrets with all of us. ❤️

— Lauren Kay P

Must listen!

Jenna is an inspiring and encouraging coach that has been there and done that and she shares her wisdom and pitfalls along the way. The Goal Digger podcast is a must listen if you are wanting to build an online business.

— the betty m

Thank you, Jenna!

I’m so happy to have found this podcast! Jenna’s episode breaking down SEO was the first time I’ve ever actually understood search engine optimization and what steps I need to take to get started. For this I am eternally grateful! Thank you, Jenna, for being so generous with your knowledge and helping so many of us!

— abbythriving

Leave a Review

Because I know you're that awesome

I know, I know, I'm not one to ask for things but reviews totally make the world go 'round in the land of podcasting! HECK, I might even read your review on the next episode! 





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Wanting to start your own podcast?

We have a course for that!

Go from lookin’ good ‘on-paper’ to really delivering the goods ON THE AIR. I’ll show you how I built my podcast from the ground up with nothing more than iPhone headphones and a quiet closet. I'll teach you what you need to start AND grow long-term, and how to this very day I do without all the bells and whistles! My tested process is now your template. Get ready to hit record; you’re about to break top some charts yourself. ;)

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